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  • Environment, Forest and Climate
    Change Department
  • Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
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Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department Uttar Pradesh, conducts departmental tree plantation work during rainy season, to increase the forest and tree cover in the state various schemes are being implemented by the Uttar Pradesh government large scale tree plantation program is being conducted in the state through social forestry, social forestry in urban areas, green belt development scheme and total forest cover scheme. The task of tree plantation is implemented by Forest and Wildlife Department in coordination with the other government departments. The efforts are being made to ensure ample participation of localities, women, farmers, public representatives and students in tree plantation programs. The Forest and Wildlife Department and the state government are actively engaged to ensure the success of plantation work and high quality plantation.

The various varieties of Rosewood, Neem, Cassia, Gulmohar, Jakranda, Cirrus, Kanji, Mango, Chitwan, Banyan, Pipal, Ficus, Mulsri, Bauhinia, Kadamb, Tamarind, Bel and Mahua are being planted in the state as per soil and climatic conditions. The state government is emphasizing on more and more plantation of large and conventional trees. The state government is making sustained efforts towards the establishments on green belt, development of eco tourism and success of plantations to increase the forests and tree cover in the state.

n order to uplift living standard of communities living in forest areas and to include them in development and management of forests, the forestry works are being executed by constituting joint village forest management committees and eco development committees. In this way, efforts are being made to economically uplift the people living surrounding the forest areas by engaging them in wildlife protection and in forestry activities.

To ensure the success of tree plantation the state government has conducted green belt plantations in every districts of the state in coordination with Forest and Wildlife Department by planting the seedlings of 08 to 12 feet.
