पर्यावरण, वन एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन विभाग,

उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार, भारत

श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ

माननीय मुख्यमंत्री,उत्तर प्रदेश

श्री दारा सिंह चौहान

माननीय मंत्री,वन विभाग

Patna Bird Sanctuary

Patna Bird Sanctuary is a small but unique protected area in the state of Uttar Pradesh, comprising of a natural fresh water shallow wetland, popularly known as Patna jheel. One has to see it to believe that there can be a wetland, only 109 ha. In size, that can accommodate more than 1,00,000 waterbirds simultaneously, transforming the wetland into a riot of colours, sounds and forms. The huge number of migratory, as well as, resident birds wintering in this wetland led to the area being declared a sanctuary in 1990. It has been named after the village Patna in the Jalesar tehsil of Etah revenue district.

Avian Diversity

Every year Patna Bird Sanctuary provides shelter to more than 50000 birds during winter. The population of Northern Pintail Anas acuta, Common Pochard Aythya ferina, Gadwal Anas strepera, Northern Shoveller A. clypeata and Garganey A. querquedula in any winte season is above the 1% biogeographical population threshold of these species.
During summer, when most of the nearby wetlands dry completely the Patna jheel becomes refuge of large number of Sarus cranes Grus antigone and Storks.

Other Fauna

Among other animals, the sanctuary is home to Nilgai, jackal , Monitor Lizard, Jungle cat, Porcupine etc.

Floral Diversity

The sanctuary is also home to many native species of flora. 252 species of plants. The dense patch of the Date Palm trees Phoenix sylvestrix adds beauty and uniqueness to thes sanctuary

Religious Value

The ancient temple of Hindu God Lord Shiva, located inside this sanctuary is an important center of faith and pilgrimage for the people of this area.