पर्यावरण, वन एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन विभाग,

उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार, भारत

श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ

माननीय मुख्यमंत्री,उत्तर प्रदेश

श्री दारा सिंह चौहान

माननीय मंत्री,वन विभाग

Ranipur Wildlife Sanctuary

Spread over an area of 263 sq.kms, Ranipur Wild life Sanctuary is located south of the Allahabad – Manikpur – Mumbai Railway route, nestled in the Vindhyachal range. Dense forest covering the hills and plain grasslands provide a natural environment for wild life to flourish. The northern region of the sanctuary is covered by dense ,deciduous forest and the bordering Ooshan River provides for a variety of vegetation which includes Tendu ,Mahua, Bamboo, Dhaak, Gooseberry, Wood Apple, Saal etc. whereas along the water drains in the area, Arjun ,Jaamun, Goolar ,Khinni Trees are more prominent. The wild life of the region boasts of Tiger, Leopard, Wolve, Hyena, Jackals, Wild Dog, Black Buck, a variety of Deer and Blue Bull. Pangolin, Crocodile, Vulture etc are commonly found and sometimes cranes are also spotted in the nearby fields. Near the water sources, Painted Stork, Black – Necked Stork etc are found in abundance. For a better view of these animals in their natural habitat, watch-towers have been placed at vantage points in the sanctuary

The Bardaha River is naturally fed by rain water and is usually flowing round the year and provides drinking water to the animals. Except in summers, Amha River, Jamunahi Drain, Lakhanpur Drain, Mahua Drain and Kulludol Drain are other sources of drinking water for the animals. The Chauri Forest area, Lakhanpur Forest area and Rujhawa Forest areas are well known for their wide expanse of grasslands.

Ranipur Wild Life Sanctuary is adjacent to Chitrakoot, a holy place having a deep relation to Lord Ram and also finding mention in the Ramayana. The Shabri Waterfall, Raghav Waterfall, Amravati Waterfall, Dhaarkundi Ashram, Marwariya Devi Temple are some of the major tourist attractions on the way to the sanctuary. Other, nearby places of tourist importance are Kamtanath Temple, Hanuman Dhara, Gupt Godavari, Kamadgiri Circumbulation Track, Aarogya Dhaam and Sam Ghat. All these places are within a radius of 50 kms of the wild life sanctuary. The Interpretation Centre at Manikpur and the Research Centre, highlight and provide full information of the regional importance and the bio-diversity of the area.