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The Katarniya Ghat Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Upper Gangetic plain falling in the Terai of Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Katarniya Ghat Forest provides strategic connectivity between tiger habitats of Dudhwa and Kishanpur in India and Nepal. The sanctuary has a mosaic of Sal and Teak forests, lush grasslands, numerous swamps and wetlands. It is home to a number of endangered species including gharial, tiger, rhino, Gangetic dolphin, Swamp deer, Hispid hare, Bengal florican, the White-backed and Long-billed vultures.

About Katarniya Ghat Wildlife Sanctuary

Katarniya Ghat Wild life Sanctuary is part of Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Lakhimpur kheri. The total area of Katarniya Ghat Wildlife Sanctuary is 400.09 which is a part of the core area of Dudhwa Tiger reserve. There is a buffer area of 150.03 contiguous to the sanctuary mostly in Motipur and Kakrha ranges of the division. The forest area of the Sanctuary has its characteristic complex of sal forests tall grasslands and riparion ecosystem of Girwa and Kaudiyala streams of Ghaghra river. The Sanctuary having mosaic of diverse habitats is very rich in biodiversity and is have various endangered species of mammal, plants and avifauna.


Mammals - Panthera pardus (Guldar) , Panthera tigris ( Tiger), Felis viverrina (Fishing cat), Macaca mulatta (Monkey), Presbytis entellus (Langur), Heprpestes edwardsi (Mongoose), Herpestes auropunctatus ( small indian Mangoose), Viverricula indica ( small Indian civet), Canis aureus (Jackal), Mellivora capensis (Honey Badger), Lutra perspicillata ( smooth Indian Otter), Boselaphus tragocamelus ( Blue bull), Axis axis ( Spotted Dear), Axis porcinus (Hog Dear), Muntiacus muntjak ( Barking Dear), Cervus duvaceli (Swamp Dear), Cervus unicolor ( Sambar), Sus scrofa ( Wild Boar), Rhinoceros unicornis (Great Indian Rhino), Elephus maximus (Asian Elphant), Lepus nigricollis (Hare).

Birds- Podiceps ruficollis (Dabchick), Pelicnus philipensis (spotbilled pelican), Phalacrocorax carbo ( Large Cormorant), Phalacrocorax niger (Lillte cormorant), Ardea cinera (Grey Heron), Ciconia ciconia (White Stocrk), Ciconia nigra ( Black strock), Threskiornis aethiopica (White Ibis), Gyps indicus ( Indian Longbilled Vulture), Pandion haliatus ( Osprey), Gallus gallus ( Red jungle Fowl), Grus antigone (Sarus Crane), Amaurornis phoenicurus ( whit Breasted water hen), Ninox scutulata ( Brown Hawk owl).

Reptiles – Magar, Ghariyal, Python, Sandboa, Banded crate , Rusel viper , Rat snake and all kinds of Fishes.


Katarniya Ghat Wild life Division Bahraich has been declared Sanctuary in the year of 1976 and also included in Project Tiger in year 2003. In the flora it is dominantly Sal Forest with its associates tree species like Terminalia alata (Asna) , Lagerstroemia parviflora (Asidha), Adina cordifonia (Haldu), Mitragyna parpiflora (Faldu) , Gamelina arborea (Gahmhar), Holoptelea intgrifolia (Kanju), Acacia catechu ( Khair), Pterocarpus marsupium (Vija sal) , Kydia calyina (Poola), Lannea coromandelica ( Jhigan), Toona ciliata ( Toon). Shurbs like- Murraya koenighii (Kath neem), Grawia hirsuta (Van Tulsi), Mallotus phillipensis (Rohni). Grass like – Phragmits karka(Narkul), Cynodon dactylon (Doob), Vetiveria zizanioides (Khaskhas), Erianthus munja (Moonj) etc.

Weather conditions

The whole of the area is subject to the climatic variations typical of the plains of Northern India with their extremes of heat and cold . The winter nights area very cold and foggy and heavy dews fall regularly , with the result that the vegetation remains damp for most of the day. The days at this time of the year are cool and bright . Forests occur generally in January. The nights remain cool and dew falls until late in the spring, the hot weather commencing in April and lasting and lasting until the rains break towards the end of June .Heavy monsoon rains fall from then onwards until October and give, with the winter rains, and average annual fall of about 1300 mm. The prevailing winds are from the east, but during the hot weather there are often strong west winds, and mild hurricanes from the north and west accompanied by showers.

Visitor Facilities

The tourist campuses at Motipur and Kakraha are jungle theme locations offering a treat of nature and thrill to adventurous tourists visiting the place. There are a total of four cottages available at each place for now, and all cottages promise a magnificent view of the sal forest making the traveler's visit a memorable one. In order to preserve the sanctity of the jungle environment and to maintain the delicate balance of the forest eco system, we do not have televisions in the rooms and we cannot guarantee mobile phone or internet connectivity at the resort. We request our guests to respect the jungle environment.

Nature Guide Facilities for Interpretation

Trained nature guide are available at both Motipur & Kakraha campuses for the purpose of guiding tourists and interpretation of the sanctuary while on visit inside. These guides have been registered with the UP Forest Department and are helpful in spotting wildlife during the trip. As per the regulations for the visitors, taking one such guide per vehicle is mandatory for all tourists.

Safe & Secure Campus

The visitors are housed in newly built air conditioned ‘Tharu huts’ located at Motipur and Kakraha campuses in the sanctuary. The campuses are properly walled and provide complete safety to the visitors.

Cottage for Evening Movie Shows and Other Events

The campus houses a grand cottage for evening film shows and other events, e.g. meetings, birthday celebrations etc. The cottage is provided to the guests free of cost.

Cultural Aspect

In vicinity of this sanctuary there are Tharu villages . Tharu are tribal people residing here from ages. They have the own culture and living methods which may be point of attraction for visitors.

Boating/Jungle Safari

The tourists can also enjoy boating in Giriwa river and jungle safari facilities, during the visit. Our safari takes you through the sanctuary in an open 4x4 gypsy, with some of the most knowledgeable guides at the wheel. Keep your eyes peeled for pugmarks, and mobile phones off. There's plenty to see: Gharials, crocodiles, herds of spotted deer, peacocks in frenzy, paradise flycatchers, and crested serpent eagles. Pray hard enough and you may just earn an audience with the reigning big cats in this area.

Ideal Time to Visit

15th November to 15th June.


Wildlife Safari

Nature Trail


Photography Adventure

Bird Watching

Tharu Culture
