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  • Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
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Uttar Pradesh is committed to protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of ecosystems in the interest of inclusive growth and development. It envisions conservation of natural resources like cultivable land, forests and water bodies. For the benefit of conservation efforts, the state foresees active participation of the agents of change both at institutional as well as at grass-roots level leading to reversal of environmental degradation & ensuring their availability for future generation. In order to achieve its mission, the state endeavours to:

  • 1.    Adopt world-class forest management practices for conservation of forests and biodiversity;
  • 2.    Large scale plantation for increasing the green cover; and
  • 3.    Sustainable harvesting of goods and services from biological resources.

The state's approach to wetland management focuses on strengthening local self-governance, participatory management practices and capacities of communities dependent on land resources. The state also aspires to adopt innovative approaches for inculcating conservation ethics in the minds of the people and promote public-private partnership.
