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  • Environment, Forest and Climate
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  • Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
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1. Social Forestry

This is a major scheme funded by State Government for tree plantation. Plantations is carried out on various type of community land, canals, rail, and on land available on road side to ensure the availability of timber, fuel wood, fodder, small forest produce etc., in rural areas of all the districts in the state. This ensures the availability of raw material for small timber industries for rural people. The scheme is being implemented in the following manner on the basis of financial sources

Social forestry scheme (General) This scheme is being implemented in all the districts of the state. Industrial pulp wood plantation scheme implemented till the year 2011-12 has come to an end during the year 2012-13. The committed works of the scheme has been included in the social forestry scheme.

Social forestry – special component sub plan Social forestry scheme is being implemented through the fund received from social welfare department for the welfare of scheduled castes under special component plan. Under this tree plantations work is carried out in scheduled caste abundant regions.

Social forestry - tribal sub plan Plantation is done on community land in rural areas in tribe abundant regions under social forestry scheme through the fund received from social welfare department for the welfare of scheduled tribes under tribal sub plan.

2. Social forestry in urban areas

In this scheme ornamental and shady trees are planted on the unused land alongside the roads and parks for environment protection and beautification in urban areas.

3. Green belt development scheme

Green belt development has got a priority by the Honorable chief minister. In view of this tree plantations is being carried out from the year 2012-13 through the financing from forest corporation and green belt development scheme has been started in the year 2013-14. This is scheme implemented in the entire state.

Other state funded schemes implemented by the department

Building construction

This scheme is being implemented for the construction of residential houses, departmental offices and non residential buildings for the forest employees working in forests.

Vir Abdul Hameed forest, wild life and environment protection award scheme

This scheme was started in the year 2012-13 with the aim to recognize the works of individuals/organizations who has done a commendable work to increase the tree cover, wild life and environment protection which awakens the spirit of forest and wild life conservation in the society.

Forest research and expansion

The task of forest research is executed through the forests promoter, saal region (Bareilly), southern region (Kanpur) and vindhya region (Ram Nagar, Varanasi) under the chief forest conservator (Research) Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur. Departmental plantation is necessary to increase the productivity of tree plantations made by farmers on their private land or by other agencies by making them available high quality seedlings. In order to raise high quality seedlings supply of high quality selected seed source is of special importance.

Organizing Forest festivals

This scheme is being implemented by entire state. This increases the awareness towards forests and wild life among the public. Under this scheme tree plantation and up gradation of forest awareness centers is carried out in every district on the occasion of forest festivals. Under this scheme Rs. 20.00 lakhs has been spent during the year 2013-14.

Nursery Management Scheme

In this scheme nurseries of 8 to 12 feet height are being raised for plantations. This scheme is being implemented in the entire state.
