Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department,

Government of Uttar Pradesh, India

Shri. Yogi Adityanath

Hon'ble Chief Minister,Uttar Pradesh

Shri. Dara Singh Chauhan

Hon'ble Minister,Forest Department

Lakhbahosi Bird Sanctuary

Wetlands are one of the most important ecosystems on the earth. Broadly speaking, wetlands are shallow water bodies in which water keeps up for most part of the year and recedes below the surface level during the dry season. So far 94 wetlands have been identified under National Wetland Conservation Programme in India (MoEF, 2007), of which Lakhbahosi Bird Sanctuary, Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh is one of them.

The abundant and diverse wildlife of the state is our invaluable natural and national heritage. Fascinating birds, both resident and migratory are the special attraction of our lakes and wetlands in winter. These birds play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of the eco-system. Of the 1300 species of birds that occur in our country, more than 200 species are migratory which come from Tibet, Central Asia, Europe, Siberia and China. Most of the birds fly over the Himalayas at the height of 8500 meters and from a distance of about 8000 km or more to reach India for spending winter.

Lakhbahosi Bird Sanctuary was created in 1988 with the aim of protection and conservation of the wetland with special emphasis to the local and migratory birds, conservation of their natural habitat including aquatic plants and animals. The Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai (BNHS) has also listed this is included in the list of wetlands identified under National Wetland Conservation Programme by The Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India.

Approximately 50 thousand water fowls visit this Sanctuary every year between the months of November to March. This wetland serves as their habitat for nesting as well as breeding for some birds. Thus, this sanctuary has become an attractive destination for the bird lovers as well as tourist since several years.