Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department,

Government of Uttar Pradesh, India

Shri. Yogi Adityanath

Hon'ble Chief Minister,Uttar Pradesh

Shri. Dara Singh Chauhan

Hon'ble Minister,Forest Department

Soor Sarovar Bird Sanctuary

It is a small, but important bird sanctuary of Uttar Pradesh. It comprises of fresh water wetland, popularly known as Keetham jheel. Seeing the large number of migratory as well as resident birds arriving in this wetland year – after- Year, the area was declared a Sanctuary in 1991.

Unique for scenic beauty, religion-cultural heritage and rich assembling of fauna and flora, It has been named after Soordas – the great poet of Hindi literature, who was born blind and whose place of birth is said to be within the boundary of this sanctuary.

A huge lake surrounding by dense and luxuriant vegetation is a rare experience and picturesque sight in the semi-arid part of the country.

Situated close to the important city of Agra, this sanctuary, though small in size is very rich in avifauna. It is an important birding destination for ornithologists.