Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department,

Government of Uttar Pradesh, India

Shri. Yogi Adityanath

Hon'ble Chief Minister,Uttar Pradesh

Shri. Dara Singh Chauhan

Hon'ble Minister,Forest Department

Vijai Sagar Bird Sanctuary

An area of 262 hectares adjoining the Beeja Nagar Jheel and its surroundings was converted into a and declared a safe, no hunting-zone in 1990.This is nestled in the Vindhyachal Range of Hills making home to around 200 species of local and migratory birds. The birds start coming in from the month of November and by December – January the sanctuary abounds with the winged visitors. With the onset of warm days from March onwards these visitors start flying back to their homes only to return the following year. Some local species stay back in this sanctuary, making their nests and laying eggs and have made it their permanent home.

Vijay Sagar –Birds ,Wild Animals and Vegetation

Migratory Birds – Goose, Pin Tail, Common Teal, Cotton Teal, Red Crested Pochard, Surkhab, and Coot etc. can be commonly sighted.

Local /Local Migratory Birds – Spot Bill, Saras Crane, Painted Stork, White/Black Ibis, little Grebe,    Spoon Bill, Open – Billed Stork, Cormorants, Egrets , Red Wattled, Lapwing, Sand piper, King Vulture, Scavenger Vulture and Common Parrot.etc.

Fishes – Rohu, Saul, Maangoor, Tengan etc.

Vegetation – Arjun, Babool, Procopius, Juliflor, Berries, Dhaak, Mahua, Mangoes, Sweet Neem etc.

Mammals- Jackals, Hares, Otter.