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As per the Tree Protection Act 1976, all tree species on arable holdings or intractable except 16 (of which only 10 tree species are found naturally in the state) in 46 districts (excluding the three tehsils) are exempted for cutting IE. There is no need of permission for filling them. In 24 districts and in three tehsils of the state trees located on personal aerable or intractable holdings there is no need to permission for 27 tree species for felling.
For felling of trees or for removal of fallen trees the applicant should submit his land ownership (where the tree is located) an application to the competent authority with evidence.
After an application has been submitted to the competent authority by the elligible person for tree felling or removal of fallen tree and the competent authority doesn't give any information within 35 days it will be assumed that the tree felling/ removal has been permitted. After this period, the applicant can cut/remove the tree.
Keeping in view the issue of environmental protection, Uttar Pradesh government has not banned the felling of trees but has controlled the tree felling through Tree Protection Act 1976.To enable the farmers in the state to Plant more and more trees and to make them economically strong, Tree Protection Act 1976 has been simplified from time to time and more and more species has been exempted from the purview of this Act.As is evident from the answer 1 and 2.
Selection of tree species in Agro Forestry should be made keeping in mind the suitability of the soil and the environment. For benefits in short term species like Popplar, Eucalyptus, Acacia, Bamboo, and Kadamb and for benefits in long term species like Teak, Rosewood should be planted.
Different species of plants are available for sale in the state Forest and Wildlife Department nursery. The rates are different for traditional nursery, and nursery from clonal and high end technology produced plants. Information can be obtained from the nearest nursery or by contacting nearest divisional forest officer regarding the purchase of seedlings.
To promote plantation departmental high quality seedlings in nursery are provided at reasonable prices by the UP Forest and Wildlife Department. Additionally UP Forest Corporation also makes purchases through 'Tree Purchase Scheme on farmer's lands" at fixed minimum support price. To promote plantation UP Forest and Wildlife Department in addition to providing free literature "technical advice" also gives advice regarding the appropriate species according to tests of soil and seeds.
Vide decree No. 6222 /14-2-98-500(55)1995 dates 31-03-99 for the forest dweller tribes living in the state/innocuously reserve forest has been given the facility to freely collect the small forest produce, myrrh, honey, gum, and wax etc. free of cost. The above facility will be provided only to those residents of villages who have been notified to facilitate settlement and rights by the forest authority. The above free facility will be provided to collect the produce only by the villagers, not by any outsider.
The seedling from high-tech nursery are of high quality and after planting they grow faster.Irrigation of plants in the nursery, is done by using Mister creating Haze (Upej) which causes the water drops to close the 'stomata' in leaves by reaching in the 'stomata' consequently plant stems growth is slowed down and root growth becomes faster. Due to substantial growth in high-tech roots planted in the nursery plants grow at a faster rate relative to traditionally produced plants.
To meet the public demand for construction a provision to the extent of 10 cubic meters of timber at a time has been made. Supply rates for retail sales is 120 per cent of the base price and taxes are payable separately. To purchase timber for house construction applicants should submit an application with approved map to the nearest divisional sales manager UP Forest Corporation.
Currently UP Forest Corporation has opened depots at different places on and Cremation sites.Anyone can get fire wood and wood for cremation by showing his ration card . Presently the fire wood is available at the rate of Rs. 60.00 per quintal.
Vide decree No. 2384 / 14-4-96-836/92 dated 12.06.1996 persons or their heirs killed or injured by wild animals or pets killed by the wild animals and crop or house damage by wild elephants arrangements has been made to provide financial grant to the villagers.
Government has authorised the concerned sub-district magistrate and block development officers to kill/destroy Nil gay (Vab Roj's) destroying the crops in many divisions of the state.
Eco development program is a strategy to ensure biodiversity conservation in protected and adjacent regions.Through this strategy reciprocal adverse effects on each other can be minimized and the beneficial effects can be enhanced in the protected area and the nearby villages which are facing adverse circumstances . To manage the natural resources through eco-development program by all the local villagers is current statutory policy. Help of NGOs is being sought for the implementation of echo-development tasks.
The main objective of the joint forest management is to ensure the active participation of the local people in the profit distribution by planning for the conservation of forests, and their development for increased productivity. UP Village joint forest management rules have been promulgated in 1997, . According to these rules local village forest committees are engaged in conservation and forward development of the forest areas on the basis of prepared micro-plan. The scheme aims to encourage local people to play a decisive role in forests management. Features:
It was felt that in order to increase forest cover out of forest land available for every type command/uncultivable lands as fallow land, barren, rugged moorland, vacant lands of various state and non-state institutions and industrial institutions premises state government departments/undertakings / semi government institutions personnel, students and members of industrial establishments should be promoted for plantation. For this purpose a 20-year plan was prepared in 2001 and launched as campaign, which is known as "Opretion Green".
Nawabganj Birds Sanctuary is located in Nawabganj, District Unnao, Uttar Pradesh. Phone: 0522 223 9588
Nawabganj Birds Sanctuary can be accessed by both Road and Rail. Nearest Railway station is Unnao. It is well connected from Lucknow and Unnao by Road. Distance from Lucknow is 40 km. Airport - Nearest air port is Amausi 28 km away from Nawabganj.
Main gate located on Lucknow - Kanpur Highway, near Nawabganj.
Visiting season is from 15th Nov to 15th June. Best season for sighting is Nov - March.
Max Temp- 47ºc
Min Temp-  3 ºc
Rains are frequent during Monsoons.

S. No.
Name   S. No. Name   S. No. Name
1 Black-Necked crane 19 Jungle fowl 37 Rose ringed parakeet
2 Hornbills 20 White breasted kingfisher 38 Doves
3 Peafowl 21 Munias 39 Northern pintail
4 White spoonbill 22 Mynah 40 Grey lag goose
5 Kaleej  pheasant 23 Pelicans 41 Bar headed goose
6 Babblers 24 Sandpipers 42 Common shell duck
7 Barbets 25 Snipes 43 Marbled duck
8 Bulbuls 26 House Sparrow 44 Gadwall
9 Comb duck 27 House Crow 45 Mallard
10 Coots 28 Pond heron 46 Spot billed duck
11 Cormorants 29 Lesser whistling teal 47 Common Pochard
12 Cranes 30 Common teal 48 Golden Oriole
13 Cuckoos 31 Wood peckers 49 Tufted duck
14 Darters 32 Ruddy shaddock 50 Spotted owlet
15 Drongos 33 Wigeon 51 Lesser adjutant
16 Egrets 34 Painted  stork 52 Purple Heron
17 Flamingos 35 Open billed stork 53 Little heron
18 Ibis 36 Saras crane 54 Shovler
Tickets can be booked from the office of the Range Forest officer, Nawabganj Birds Sanctuary, Nawabganj and at all the booking counter located at the gate of the Nawabganj Birds Sanctuary.
Tickets once sold cannot be cancelled or be rescheduled.
Private vehicles are not allowed in Nawabganj Birds Sanctuary. Visitors are facilitated to roam around only from Sanctuary vehicles stationed there.
S. No. Item Rate in Rs.
Indian Foreigner
1 Entry Fee per head per day 30/- 350/-
Guides are available at all the entry points: Booking clerk will help you to get a guide.