Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department,

Government of Uttar Pradesh, India

Shri. Yogi Adityanath

Hon'ble Chief Minister,Uttar Pradesh

Shri. Dara Singh Chauhan

Hon'ble Minister,Forest Department


The research wing of UPFD, including the SFRI, Kanpur has been given the responsibility of undertaking the scientific research, development and application in forest and allied natural resources, leading to development of appropriate technologies for efficient management and utilization of trees ansd other forest resources through increased sustainable availability of trees/forest products and their associated services for all time.


SFRI, Kanpur is located centrally in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is about 90 kms south of Lucknow. The campus forms a part of the famous Allen forest in the northern part of Kanpur city. Kanpur is well connected by Air as well as Rail. The nearest airport, Amausi (Lucknow) is about 80 kms. Kanpur Central Railway station is about 8 kms from SFRI campus.


State Forest Research Institute, Uttar Pradesh, is headed by the Chief Conservator of Forests, who is also the Director of the Institute. The head- quarter of silviculturists, Southern Region is also located in the campus. The Institute, has two more regional centers- one at CB Gaj, Bareilly, and another at Ram Nagar (Varanasi) headed by the State Silviculturists.

The State Silviculturists are the senior members of the Indian Forest Service. Each Silviculturist is being assisted by an assistant Silviculturist who is a member of State Forest Service. Each regional center of the institute has further centres of speciality for conducting field trials. FRI, UP has facilities of conducting laboratory as well as field research relating to various aspects of forestry. The major thrust areas of research are as follows:

  • Increasing productivity of the Forest through Tree Improvement Programmes.
  • Planting Material Improvement
  • Supply of Quality Seeds.
  • Development of Suitable Planting Techniques for Refractory Areas.
  • Ex-situ as well as in- situ conservation of Medicinal Plants.
  • Development of suitable Agro- Forestry Models.
  • Ecology and pollution related studies.
  • Standardization of Cultivation Techniques of some important Medicinal plants.
  • Evaluation of suitability of various Silvicultural System.
  • Publication of Technical Bulletins as well as Lab to land leaflets.