Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department,

Government of Uttar Pradesh, India

Shri. Yogi Adityanath

Hon'ble Chief Minister,Uttar Pradesh

Shri. Dara Singh Chauhan

Hon'ble Minister,Forest Department

List of Publications
  • Performance of Acacias in Southern part of Uttar Pradesh Forests”
    (Reprints Van Vigyan Vol. 21, Nos 1&2, jan-june 1993)
  • “Province trail of Acacia nilotica” (Journal of tree species 5 (1): 53-56-1986)
  • “Assessment of Hib-Sib Progenies of Bombox ceiba in nursery”
    (Reprints V Van Vigyan Vol. 25, Nos 3 & 4, 1987, page 68-70)
  • “Studies of Seed Viability and germination percentage of few forest Species”.
    (74th Indian Science Congress, Banglore, Jan 1987)
  • “Germination & Nutrient Requirement Studies on Terminalia arjuna W & A”.
    (Proc. Botany Soc. Kanpur (India) 1:27-30 1988)
  • Seed Germination Studies in Santalum album”.
    (Research bulletin SFRC, Kanpur, Vol. 5, 31-34, 1988)
  • Status of provenance trials in Uttar Pradesh”. (provenance Research at Forest Genetic & Tree Breeding (ICFRE, Coimbatore, 18-19, Jan 1989))
  • “Provenance trials of Acacia nilotica”.
    (Paper presented at the National seminar on provenance/species trials in Arid ad Semi-arid Zones of India, Feb. 25-27, 1991, FRI, Dehradun)
  • “Genetic improvement of Dalbergia sissoo & other Timber species of India”. Paper presented at Indo-Us workshop cum training on tree germplasm and species improvement. Sardar Drushinagar, Gujrat April, 15-27,1991).