Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department,

Government of Uttar Pradesh, India

Shri. Yogi Adityanath

Hon'ble Chief Minister,Uttar Pradesh

Shri. Dara Singh Chauhan

Hon'ble Minister,Forest Department

List of Publications
  • Status of forest tree improvement research in Uttar Pradesh”.
    (Paper presented at the Workshop on tree improvement and provenance research 20-21, April, Jaipur Forest and Wildlife Department).
  • “Genetic improvement of Dalbergia sisso” (paper presented at the international Workshop on Dalbergia species, 31 May-4 June, 1993. Hatauda, Nepal (organized by FTA, “Hawai, USA).
  • “Genetic improvement of prosopis Juliflora”. (Paper Presented at the Workshop in Potential of prosopis spp. For Arid and Semi Arid region of India, Nov. 22-23, C.A.Z.R.I, jodhpur, India).
  • “Provenance trail of Acacia nilotica”. (Paper published in Van Anusandhan, Research bulletin of State Forest Research Laboratory, Kanpur, Vol 9-11, 1994. Page 26-32).
  • “Provenance variance in Casurina spp. With reference to Germination and Growth”. (Journal of Tropical forest, Jabalpur, july- sept, 1995, Vol 1 1 (III).
  • “Growth performance of Dalbergia latiflora provenances”. (N.F.T.R.R., Hawai, 1995)
  • “Albino seeding in Bamboo (Dendrocalmus strictus)”. (paper published in “Va Anusandhan”, research journal of FRI, UP Kanpur. Vol 12, 1995, page 74-75).
  • “Provenance Studies of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) tree Seeding Performance”. (International Seminar on Neeem: A tree for 21st Century, ICPEP,96, NBRI, Lucknow, Nov 28, 1996)
  • “Performance Studies of Azadirachta indica Provenance at seed seedling stage”. (IUFRO, Symposium on Innovations. In forest Tree Seed Science & Nursery Technology, NOV.22-25, 1997, at School of Life Science, pt Ravishankar Shukla University, Rajpur, 492010, India”.
  • “Performance Studies of Azadirachta indica Provenance at seed seedling stage”. (IUFRO, Symposium on Innovations. In forest Tree Seed Science & Nursery Technology, NOV.22-25, 1997, at School of Life Science, pt Ravishankar Shukla University, Rajpur, 492010, India”.
  • “Status of Prosopis juliflora in IP Forest and Wildlife Department”. (Paper presented at the International Workshop on “Prospis”, state of knowledge held on 8-9 Feb, 1999, at C.A.Z.R.I. Jodhpur.
  • “Comparative Development of Multiple seedlings in different seed source of Azadirachta indica A. Juss”. (Paper published in the Indian Forester, Vol. 127 no 6, June, 2001).